Training & Seminars
Orbit International Survey Services gathers data to determine what training needs to be developed to help individuals and the organization accomplish their goals and objectives. This is an assessment that looks at employee and organizational knowledges, skills and abilities, to identify any gaps or areas of need. It is a fact that the skills your employees possess have a very big impact on the performance of a company. Any company must depend and rely on their employees to get certain tasks completed. Business owners cannot just have everything done automatically or by magic.
ORBITISS work in partnership with other services providers e.g. employers, business intermediaries, within or outside the country, in order to develop our services to meet the needs of customers and employees. These are one, two or five-day courses, mostly for 8–10 delegates (6 in the case of Presentation), which offer individuals the best of orbit extensive training expertise. Because numbers are kept low, we can adapt the material on these courses to fit the needs of the individual participants and ensure they get an excellent range of tools and techniques to develop their skills. Every course is run with two facilitators and delegates have ample time and encouragement to practice and perfect the tools that suit their style.
Orbit International Survey Services have 4 themes of courses, Carrier essential, Professional insights, Expanding your Horizons and Corporate training partnership.
Carrier essential: Covering a wide range of employability skills and Job hunting technique. Learners gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge training infrastructure. The latter consists of the codes and standards in use, the fundamentals of welding inspections and actual hands-on examinations of weld replicas with various inspection tools.
- Basic essential NDT and welding Metallurgy.
- Certified Associate Welding Inspector (CAWI).
- Induction to Quality Assurance and control.
- Communication skill course.
Professional insights: Invited speakers from related industry give seminars presentation, advice and information from their point of view.
- Presentation skill course
- Leader ship and personal impact courses
- Management skill course
- Interpersonal Skill courses
- Train the trainer courses
- Time management
- Decision making
Expanding your Horizons: Covering further course opportunities and job placement opportunities abroad and more.
- Quality Control Inspection
- Induction to essential NDT
- WS-CWI (American Welding Society – Certified Welding Inspector)
- Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)
- Data Interpretation of PAUT & ToFD
- Preservative Course (E &I)
Corporate Training partnership: Our experienced experts works with organizations to identify skill gaps and deliver customized corporate training. Partner with us to design a solution that directly addresses your business challenges.
- Welder Training & Testing
- Cost of Quality (COQ)
- Quality awareness level 1, Level 11, level 111
- Technical Document control.
You may qualify for a Discount on some of our Courses. We have Early Bird discounts, Preferential prices for Charities and people paying for their own course, discounts for Multiple bookings and more. Call +97165757499 to find out more.
Our training rooms are unexpected and unusual while still being smart and fun to work in. We have friendly rooms for one-to-one work, regular rooms for up to 10 people and a large room for groups of up to 40.
Contact: Orbit International Survey services (ORBITISS), A Professional services firm exists in Industrial Quality inspection, testing and consultant services since 2006 in UAE Tel +97165757499.
Engineering Inspection and Construction Consultant (EPIC) firms exist in consultancy and training since 2005 in India, Mobil +919496986084, to get your training /seminar schedule.